Mall of America and Twins season opener

This last week was spring break for Tom and I and we took the chance to do some local activities. On Saturday we went to the Mall of America and Mikaela was able to meet one of her favorite authors, Megan McDonald, of Judy Moody fame. For those of you without a young reader in your home, Judy Moody is one of the favorite characters of early chapter book readers and of course it is even cooler since we get to share the same name. Mikaela had received a gift certificate to Build A Bear workshop and was able to go and make a very cute dog, something she had been wanting to do for a long time.
On Monday we headed up back up to Minneapolis for the Twins season opener. Of course it ended up being blizzard conditions and not at all the weather you want for baseball season. We took Elise with us and she did great but it was a little loud for her. We made it through most of the game and were even able to find our car--after a little adventure of walking most of the parking ramp (or at least it seemed that way.)