Photo of the week 1.16.11

I have been busy practicing with my camera this week and am starting to figuring out aperature, shutter speed and ISO with much help from the 31 days to a Better Photo series by Darcy from Life with 3 Boybarians. I have decided as one of my goals this year to do a P52 project (you can learn more here), a less ambitious endeavor than the P365 project which would involve posting a new picture every day and we all know there is no way that is going to happen around here. So far Elise hasn't been a very cooperative subjective and the light is so poor by the time Mikaela gets home from school that I end up with a lot of pictures of Tallen, who also seems to be refusing to smile for the camera. It could be that I am just taking waaaay too long to get all the settings right and he is bored by the process, but I am getting quicker and I am hoping for a picture of him smiling this week because he really does have the best smiles.