2009 Reading Plan
Following my parent's example (especially my father), I have always enjoyed reading or at least since I found Nancy Drew books in 3rd grade. However when I was in grad school I stopped reading for leisure out of necessity. Well I graduated in May 2004 and haven't got back into reading in the same way as before and when I did it was usually a James Patterson mystery, enjoyable but not real deep. One of my plans for the new year is to broaden and increase my reading selections. My goals for the next year:
- Read through the Bible—I am ashamed to admit I have never done this. I have tried several times but always lose focus as the year progresses. I have decided to try and read through the entire Bible by the end of March. I know it will be tough and if I am not done by then I will be ok with that, but I am more of a shorter term goal than a year. So far I am doing ok—I have read Genesis, Exodus, Job and part of Leviticus.
- Read 2 Biographies a month. I considered doing some sort of them to my selection like biographies of Presidents or missionaries, etc but I decided I would just read what caught my eye or what people recommended. I am on my second selection and am looking for recommendations.
- Read at least 5 journal articles a month in the areas of education, social work or social justice. As an adjunct professor for Winona State I feel that I need to make this effort to stay on top of current research in my profession.