Headboard Project
Over Christmas break (or was it Thanksgiving?) I started this headboard project for our room. We never have had a headboard and it has always bugged me but I also haven't been willing to shell out the cash for one yet. So I found directions for making an upholstered headboard online, found some fabric and got to work. Well of course half way through I ran out of staples and it has sat in our room propped up against the wall since then. Well finally last week we finished the upholstering part and hung it up on the wall--which was adventure by itself. Well and since I had a new headboard I thought that we needed an updated style for our bed. So I found some funky sheets that went perfect with our wall color and sewed the euro shams with some fabric that was on clearance at Hancock. The smaller pillows were one my sister got me for Christmas that I was planning on using in the living room but in an "ahhh" moment I tried then in the bedroom and they were a perfect match. The duvet is our "winter" one we have been using for awhile. Overall I am happy with the result but actually thinks that it looks better in person than in these pictures. On to the next project (won't Tommy be thrilled...)