It has been a long time....

I have been updating my social media profiles and found the link to this blog on my facebook profile.  I had completely forgotten that I had posted so much and am excited to find a few videos here that I don't think I have saved anywhere else.  It makes me regret that I didn't continue to post as it is a great record of Elise's first couple years.

For whoever might be out there and still have this blog listed in their blog reader, here is a more recent update on our life.  Comment and let me know you are reading!

This last weekend we went to Lacrosse, Wisconsin and went to the Monster Truck show.  Rylin has been begging to stay at a hotel and swim and this gave us an excuse to get out of town for one night.  We stayed at the Radisson for the first time and chose the club level room, which I highly recommend when travelling with your family.  The free appetizers & drinks, milk & cookies, and breakfast for all 7 of us make the additional $30 in cost totally worth it.   However, I have decided that monster truck shows are definitely not my thing!


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